
Independent Study

Semester: Spring 2023

Tools used: Unity Engine, C#, Blender


For my independent study project, I made a collection of unity scripts which recreate a retro-cgi effect. I also learned a lot about "event sequences" in the context of object-oriented programming, which I'd eventually use in my summer project. The idea of multiple things happening in succession lends itself well to a linked list implementation, with a polymorphism over a parent class called "Event". Each event contains pointers to a number of other events - which one is chosen can depend on a list of flags representing the current state of the game. For example, if you complete a certain objective, re-entering a room will unlock a door.

This project actually went through many iterations! Below is a screenshot of a gritty, alleyway setting which I eventually abandoned.

And here's some of the inner workings of the retro-cgi effect. Objects to be rendered with the effect each get their own camera with a choppy framerate and dithering, and the camera output gets sent to a flat texture which constantly faces the main camera.